Our Teachers

Anjelica Andino

Carlene Barnes
I grew up in Queens, New York and while I always had an interest in history, my high school experience is where I found my real passion for history and government! I graduated with my Bachelors from Hunter College where I now attend as a graduate student, on track to receive my Masters in education. Outside of school, I spend a lot of time staying active by dancing, hiking, and rock climbing. I hope to share my love for history with anyone I meet!

Dietmar Cziborra
Born and raised in Germany. After school, I joined the army for 4 years, taught at the artillery academy. Apprenticeship as master machinist then studied mechanical engineering - Bachelor's Degree Mechanical Engineering. Moved to US in 1996. Married, one daughter, back to college - Bachelor;s Degree in Math, Master's Degree in Teaching. Teaching at Heritage since 2011. Hobbies: everything in, on, under water, everything in nature, Motorcycling, Photography, everything in snow and ice, teaching. Motto: if you do what you love, you never work a day in your life.

Thomas Dunn

Kirsten Farmer
I grew up in a small town in Georgia where I quickly developed a love for science. I attended the University of Georgia where I received my Bachelor of Science in Geology. Before I graduated, I had the opportunity to study art and language in Italy, so I lived and went to school in Italy for a few months. I moved to New York City to go to graduate school at the American Museum of Natural History; it was there I learned how to teach Earth science! If you ever want to talk about geology, Marvel, or Animal Crossing, come and find me!

Danielle Hoffman
Ms. Hoffman grew up in Newburgh, NY, and wanted to become a teacher, but tried other careers out first. She graduated from Binghamton University with two Bachelor of Arts Degrees, one in Psychology and the other in English with a focus in Creative Writing. While working in business, she graduated with honors from New York Univesity with a Master of Science in Public Relations and Corporate Communications. Lastly, Ms. Hoffman graduated from Brooklyn College with a Masters of Arts in English Education (7-12). She has been teaching English Language Arts at The Heritage School since Fall of 2012. She currently resides in Long Island with her husband and young sons. In her free time, she enjoys being with family, reading books, watching movies, going to the beach, and creating different arts and crafts.

Aleah Hurst
I am originally from a small town in Indiana, I went to Indiana University to study art education with an art history minor. I focused my studio art education on drawing, painting, photography, and ceramics.. I absolutely love all forms of art and getting to share that passion with students, in an environment that encourages creativity. Moving to New York was a huge change but every day I get to appreciate the vibrant culture of the city and the endless things to do.

Sarah Isaac

Stefanie Ismail
I'm a Harlem native, born and raised right here in NYC! I am a product of the NYC public school system and proud of it! I am the Living Environment teacher here at Heritage. I am currently a Master Teacher affiliated with Math for America. I am a career changer. My earlier work has been in the medical field. I am passionate about my family, my community, and public health.

Denise King

Kenneth Knoblauch

Molly McNally

Ruth Landis
I was born and raised in Lexington, Massachusetts, and attended the University of Chicago for undergrad. I then received my Masters from Teachers College in New York. I spend my summers on the leadership team of an all-girls sleepaway camp in Maine, and generally try to spend as much time outdoors as possible! Besides teaching, I love hiking, canoeing, reading historical fiction, and all things Marvel.

Regina Licitra
Ms. Licitra is a New York City native and a product of the NYC public schools. She studied Music Education at NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. She is a clarinet player and a band nerd who loves making music with other humans.

Addis Rojas Marin
Bachelor degree: Modern Languages
Xaveriana University - Bogota - Colombia
Master Degree: International Affairs
Xaveriana University - Bogota - Colombia

Adam Piatek

Rebecca Shamsian
I grew up on Long Island and received my Bachelors in English and History from Binghamton University. I then obtained my Masters in Education at the University of Pennsylvania. Outside of school, I love going to the movies, cooking Persian food, reading Stephen King, and exploring the city with my husband and baby.

Dylan Smith
Hello, My name is Mr. Smith, one of the Special Education teachers here at Heritage. I spent my childhood outside of Los Angeles, CA until my family moved to Upstate NY (Nyack) when I was 9. I started my undergrad at SUNY Purchase and finished up at the City College Center for Worker Education in Lower Manhattan. I’m currently enrolled in a Masters of Education program at Fordham University. I enjoy writing and playing guitar in my spare time (what’s left of it, anyway!) I’m excited to be working with all of you here at Heritage.

Regie Vergara
Graduated College: University of Cebu, Cebu City, Philippines
Degree: Bachelor of Arts major in Mathematics, Master of Science in teaching Mathematics

Liam Wall

Ying Zhou